Frustration marked the night. Everything, from the rude and talkative people behind me to the fact that there wasn't a comfortable position for sleeping, seemed to cause irritation. Pure exhaustion caused the sleep, not so much rest but brief interludes with sleep.
The morning sun rose slowly revealing the new mountain scenery, and the realization of quiet behind me and an empty seat next to me. Now occupying two seats I am more relaxed, but I won't wear these polyster blend clothes on the bus again as the cotton clothes seem to grip the Greyhound bus seats better, even if they wrinkle more.
My right foot no longer hurts, nor is uncomfortable, only an occasional sting of pain at night, so the purchase of the new shoes was worth the expense; especially considering how much walking I've been doing. My legs and arms still twitch a bit and it is difficult to adhere to the night regimine of medications. I missed taking them last night, so better planning will be required; however, I feel my body improving. Even though I worked a lot at the Nursery in Louisiana, having been laid up on the sofa for over a month with a burned foot sure had my overall health declining. I sure hope that I will regain some of my strength and mental clarity upon trip end.
There is a mountain up ahead with snow caps, it intriques me. The bus makes its way along a narrow, winding road with trees soaring on either side, opening occasionally for a mountain vista. 7 hours before Banff.
Thoughts race now, no longer the quiet mind. Escaping! Running! Why is it that I cannot seem to find a place and settle down? What within myself prevents me from having a loving relationship? Will I be remembered or forgotten? Have I done anything to make society better or have I caused more problems? The sun shines brightly, warming the bus window now. Oh how I wish it would shine some light upon my troubled mind so I might find a way through this torrent maze of thoughts.
I know the way, I am aware of my past, the real questions I should be asking are:
"How do I find a place to stay still?"
"How do I find the way to open my heart to a lover?"
"How do I leave behind something of value for society, aka make a mark upon the world to be remembered by?"
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