Monday, August 2, 2010

More thoughts about Greyhound Dallas Station

The people here, at least as I perceive them, would be those that most of society would consider as "those on the out," meaning they don't live within society's viewpoint of what is successful or normal. Most here at the Dallas Greyhound Station are covered in tattoos, wear used or awkward clothing, speak other languages, or otherwise appear so different that I couldn't see them fitting into main stream society. My thought is that perhaps these are the real main stream society, with only the others being outside the norm.

My head is a bit cloudy, my body shakes, and it takes me a moment to catch up to things as they happen. I am hoping it is the affect of the new medications and my body will adjust soon. I am so ready for a nap, probably on the floor, but I have to wait until I can obtain my baggage insurance. With no Wi-Fi, I would enjoy reading, but my eyes are very fuzzy even with glasses, so I wait. 3 plus hours till the next bus.

While waiting, I met Nichole from France, who is traveling through the country on holiday. After buying a soda and a snack, I went to the ticket counter to obtain my baggage insurance. None of the ticket agents knew how to provide the extra insurance. Finally one ticket agent, James, discovered how to provide me with the extra insurance, so $15 and about 30 minutes later I had the extra insurance. Greyhound should train their ticket agents a bit better, especially if they are concerned about customer service.

I curled up with my bags on the floor and slept. Lilly, one of the Greyhound employees responsible for directing passengers to the various boarding gates, was very rude, and loud; not to mention spoke way to fast for anyone to understand, especially since I had slept too long and missed my bus and was trying to figure out if I had indeed missed it. My new meds put me into a deep sleep, only to be awakened by a police officer telling me to move.

After several challenges with the non-informed, badly trained, and mostly rude Greyhound staff I am now on a bus. Dallas to Fort Worth, Abillene to Van Horn, El Paso to Lordsburg, Phoenix to Blythe, Los Angeles to Coalinga Junction, Sacremento to Portland, and then onto Seattle. 3 days aboard a Greyhound bus with an arrival of 10:30 AM in Seattle.

I wasn't impressed or reassured by the Greyhound staff as they rushed everyone aboard the bus, took their bags and threw them under the bus, yelling the whole time in a manner so that few could understand their instructions. Since the new meds have me so light headed, I'm going to sleep now.

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