Sunday, December 25, 2011

Love; The true Gift of Christmas!

Christmas isn't a holiday I've actively celebrated for many years now.  Perhaps it is because of the over commercialization of the holiday or the pain from years of watching others not truly understand what this holiday is about.  As a child I was taught that this was Jesus' birthday, then I grew up and learned this day was actually an old Pagan celebration called Saturnalia that the early church decided to take over to convert the Pagans to Christianity.

No one knows the actual date of the mythical Jesus (yes, I said mythical, as there is no record to acknowledge his physical presence upon this earth), so the real reason for the season isn't to celebrate Jesus' birthday.  It's to celebrate a Pagan celebration, another attempt by the Christians to control everyone and everything without any regard to the value of age old traditions, cultures, or even humanity.

Yes, I grew up in the Christian church, learned the teachings of the Bible, and even became a Southern Baptist Preacher.  I used to love Christmas and the decorating and gift giving, but now there is no reason for the season for me as I have watched with dismay for many years the very negative affect that Christians have upon the world.  Let me say that in all of my 49 years, I have only met a few people that I would actually say were Christ Like (which is what is meant by the term Christian).  Those people have all had a profound affect upon my life and will always be remembered for their actions through love, even when they may not understand or approve, but their love guided them, not hate.

Thank you Martha Meda Taylor, thank you Ellen Rose Synder, and thank you to those whose names I can no longer remember, but your actions I still do.  You all showed me what it meant to be a Christian in a world where so many do not live the life of Christ, yet call themselves follows of Him.

If only all of those that call themselves Christians would live their lives as He did, then our world would indeed be a better place, yet sadly, they do not and instead choose to act as the Sagacies and Pharicees in the stories of Jesus that he condemned.  Jesus showed and taught love, acceptance, and more importantly he taught living a life of love through your actions, not through your words.  Oh, if only these modern day Christians would know what it is they are doing to the name of Christ through all the hate they spread, through building monuments to themselves when they should be giving to the poor and needy.

Jesus condemned the Pharisees by saying,
"you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness"
(The book of Matthew 23:28)

This year I chose to honor my beloved grandmother, Vera B. Lee, this Christmas and instead of a tree there is a beautiful Christmas Cactus and some red Poinsettias.  She lived her life through love and encouraged me through her acts of love to do the same.  This year, for the first year in ages, I sent out cards and I received some thoughtful gifts - two of them.  I've been invited to join the celebrations at other friend's homes, but today is a day I shall spend with myself, accompanied with my two lovely canine companions.

Perhaps there is little love in my heart, perhaps the pain and anger have taken it all away, but yet there are those that ever remind me that love is the key.  Yes, I do believe there is a Santa Clause, Virginia.  Because Santa also teaches love, isn't that what Christmas is all about - Love?

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