This was written on August 6th:
Customer Service and the concept of treating your customers with respect and valuing your customers seems to be something that has gone like the way of the dinasor. If the United States really wanted to improve and not be so concerned about foreign affairs then our large corporations, or anyone, should begin to take a strong look at how they provide customer service. The use of these automated phone systems may benefit the company, however, it only frustrates and confuses their customers. What has our technology done to our society?
Technology can be an incredible tool when used in a manner that connects people, shares information, and solves problems. Lately technology is used by large and small businesses to separate themselves from their customers. Lets begin with the automated phone system that is used everywhere. If these were no longer used and replaced with real people then there would be more jobs, not to mention that the level of customer satisfaction would soar simply because they called and a live person answered and no longer had to deal with often confusing and troublesome automated systems. Why cannot companies see just how bad these automated systems are for their companies as it relates to their customers? I hear it all the time just how everyone hates to make a phone call and reach an automated phone system, which most of the time makes it extremely difficult to reach a live person. Do the companies that use such technology just not care about their customers because they wrongly believe that this will make it easier for them. What is correct? Making things easier for the company or regaining that extreme level of customer service from days gone by.
There seems to be a lack of trained people working in these companies, from the Greyhound ticket agent to the Call Center worker. None of these workers seem to care about their jobs, let along care about assisting the people they are there to serve. I realize that I am just one person writing about this, but I know there are plenty of people around the world who agree with me. Things have to change or our society will crumble, much as it already has begun to decay.
Can we not value technology and learn to use it in a way that is beneficial for our society instead of using it to cause conflict, frustration, and many other negative affects? What has happened to the value of great customer service? Where will this all lead?
If you are reading this Blog, then please, lets all start doing something, just one something, to let these companies know just how upset we have become over their clear lack of customer concern. For me, it is a call to action. LIfe can be and is so incredible, but we've all seemed to have lost of ability to connect in a real human way that shows the value of each other.
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