Sunday, August 8, 2010

An Abundance of.

Just when I begin to feel sorry for myself, the Universe brings me face to face with others less fortunate.  There are times when I forget just how blessed I am.  My dear friend and client, Shannon, often tells people I'm wealthy, and one time I asked her about this.  Her reply caught me a bit off guard.  She said that I had a wealth not calculated in dollars, but in friends, talents, and good Karma (as she puts it - good juju).  She is correct, I'm blessed and very wealthy in this regard.

I have often read and heard that the most creative type of people are those that struggle with mental illnesses of various degrees, so perhaps that is the case.  With great talent comes something to keep us humble.  Lately I haven't felt very talented, sure of myself, or even desireable.  Tonight, after allowing my foot to rest, I ventured off again on a walk to the Seattle Olympic Sculpture Garden.  Along the way, as the sun was setting and the temperature falling, I was reminded of how special my life is.  There are so many people that do not fit within our modern ideal of society, the outcasts, and as I watched these people tonight my heart was saddened yet again.  But this time, with the reminder that I am loved, have great friends, and a life that is great.

To resolve the issue of the foot, I've decided to spend the extra money to purchase a pair of Vibram Five Fingers, a pair of shoes that supposedly make you feel like you're walking barefoot.  My hope is that tomorrow while visiting the REI store in Seattle is that I can try them on and see how they make my foot feel, and maybe find them marked down.  I also need a light coat, as the temperatures are beginning to fall up here and I know I will need one in Canada.  I know the Universe will see me through as long as I make wise decisions regarding purchases, as the one thing I have learned is that the Universe provides through very unexpected means.

Hopefully I can work a bit and earn some more income along the way, as I am sure there are things I want to do in Canada other than travel on the Greyhound bus and spend my nights in a hostel.  Things up this way aren't as inexpensive as they are in Central America.  Thus, with a renewed awareness of how blessed I am, some decisions made about purchases to make life a bit better (considering the foot, meds, and such), and an excitement that somewhere along the way I will meet someone who might enjoy traveling a bit with me, I head off for the first place in Canada - Vancouver, BC,  tomorrow.

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