Thursday, August 5, 2010

Greyhound has to Change

From my years of experience, when a company desires to provide excellent customer service, then they go the proverbial extra mile to provide services and a quality experience or product. Lately, as I've been retrying Greyhound again, there doesn't yet seem to be any interest in Greyhound corporate policies to improve their reputation or to provide great service to their passengers, except in very select areas; which leaves the rest of the routes and service areas crumbling into decay.

Tonight as I attempted to ensure a seat on tomorrow's bus to Seattle, I was quickly informed that the individual bus terminal DID NOT take bookings for buses. The 800 number or the website won't allow bookings by people who hold a Discovery Pass. It seems that if you hold a Discovery Pass then you are at the mercy of a bus having a seat, which could cause massive and expensive delays for travelers, especially since the Discovery Pass is used by a lot of foreign visitors traveling out country. What a said state Greyhound presents to our foreign visitors traveling in our country. I believe they should began looking at their bus service as an International relations campaign, instead of draining what income they can from the poorest of the United States Citizens. It took some work by phone just to finally determine that there were currently some seats available tomorrow for the Noon bus schedule to Seattle. It seems that if Greyhound was concerned about their customers, then they would allow each station to take bookings over the phone, they would allow Discovery Pass holders to book their next bus via the internet or phone, and that they should repair and improve their current buses and stations, many of which are in such a bad condition that any private use vehicle or structure would be condemned.

Greyhound, two years ago I launched a campaign against your bad policies, I was promised by one of your Vice Presidents that your company would begin to alter things for improvement. This post in my Blog is my official notice to you that you have not shown any overall improvement to your policies or your customer service and it appears that I will have to launch an even larger campaign against your company in order for you to understand that your customers are NOT happy.

For my friends and Blog readers, I'll let you know when I have put together an effective marketing campaign to affect change at Greyhound. For now, I hear that Greyhound Canada is better operated and has better buses than they do here in the United States. How sad that such a company that is our nations only reasonably priced interstate transportation doesn't care about their public reputation on any level.

How many of you out there have issues with Greyhound? I would love to hear your stories.

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