Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Look, Look, and really see to Learn.

Tonight, after some phone conversations and emails, I am going to be working with Dr. Huth again and resume some of the HIV medications; basically because they didn't cause any problems when I took them a year ago. The only concern is that there are times with the new meds that having the ability to run quickly to a restroom is crucial to survival.. I have set my intentions that the medications won't cause too many issues with this small problem. The doctor and I had to come up with a way for me to carry a 2 month supply on one of the meds that has to be kept cold, so today I found a very small insulated lunch box and one of the reusable ice packs. All of my medications will fit in this, I they will all stay cold.

Tomorrow brings the need to do laundry, pack up the bags, and prepare for the Greyhound bus trip to Seattle. I am making the time tomorrow to visit the Mormon Temple Square so I can see the architecture and learn more about their belief systes.

Tha best thing is that my legs, feet, and ankles are no longer swolen, so that make me feel better about continuing. The fears surrounding this particular adventure mostly are my own, such as can I learn to control my money and enjoy the trip and return with money in my pocket. The experience will alter the way I see he world and begin embracing the fear so that I can see it for what it really is, and then move past it, growing through into the person that is steadfast and doesn't react, but instead through the steadfastness comes a genuine heart for the basic human condition.

Even this evening, this young man that had only been here for a few days asked me I would join him on the walk up to the Market. I said yes, at first, and them mostly it was because I sensed a loneliness in him to have friends. During our 4 blocks up and our 4 blocks back, we talked. He disclosed why his legs don't move so weell - knee replacement) and why he didn't speak clearly (a stroke just over 9 months ago, which caused slurred speach) Now I have a different view of him and enjoyed getting to know him for who he was; especially when most others here just ignore him.

Who are your real friends/. Do you even take a chance to meet someone new just to make their acquaintance and share each others lives? My short trip with him taught me to listen, discuss, and acknowledge who each person is and find a way to relate with them on their level.

Tomorrow is the walk down South Temple Street to see the incredible structures and hopefully learn more about Mormonism.

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