Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Waiting, but Success

Most of today was spent waiting on the FedEx person to deliver my overnight package; however, the time was used wisely to book the hostels in Canada, arrange transportation, and put together an overall Itinerary for the next month or so. The package arrived around 2 PM, and by that time my arse was a bit tired of sitting on the sofa and scheduling things on the computer, so off I went. First to pick up some medications at Walgreens, then to Jimmy John's for dinner (a tasty veggie unwich), and then the walk back to the hostel.

Now I sit here again writing this Blog, but about to walk the few blocks to the market to purchase some more water and food for the morrow.

For the past few days my mind has been whirling with thoughts of the past, decisions made, and what the future could hold. The gardens yesterday brought a bit of sorrow, but I know that the decisions made are the best ones for me, my health, and my mental state of being. Now I'm trying to prepare for the enjoy the adventure through Canada - Canada on a Budget.

Here is the Itinerary for Canada:

7th Aug '10 and 8th Aug '10 - City Hostel Seattle, 2327 2nd Ave., Seattle, WA 98121

9th Aug '10 and 10th Aug '10 - SameSun Backpacker Lodge, 1018 Granville St., Vancouver, BC

11th Aug '10 and 12th Aug '10 - North Coast Trail Backpackers Ltd., 8635 Granville Street, Port Hardy, BC

14th Aug '10 and 15th Aug '10 - Banff Y Mountain Lodge, 102 Spray Ave., Banff, AB

17th Aug '10 and 18th Aug '10 - HI-Athabasca Falls, Jasper, AB

20th Aug '10 and 21st Aug '10 - Wicked Hostels - Calgary, 1505 MacLeod Tr. SE, Calgary, AB

23rd Aug '10 and 24th Aug '10 - Guest House International, 168 Maryland Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba

26th Aug '10 and 27th Aug '10 - Sleeping Giant Guesthouse, 139 Machar Ave, Thunder Bay, ON

29th Aug '10 and 30th Aug '10 - Canadiana Backpackers Inn, 42 Widmer St., Toronto, ON

31st Aug '10 and 1st Sep '10 - ACBB Hostel Niagara, 5741 McGrail Ave., Niagara Falls, ON

3rd Sep '10 and 4th Sep '10 - Le Jazz St. Denis, 329 rue Ontario East, Montreal, QC

6th Sep '10 and 7th Sep '10 - Halifax Backpackers, 2193 Gottingen Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia

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