Thursday, September 2, 2010

Awareness is a Mirror

Closed minds filled with doubt, worry, and fear cause so many difficulties for individuals and society as a whole. Such limited and fear based thoughts prevent the individual and society from moving forward and from freedom. Doubts, worries and fears imprison a person, eventually causing obstacles and challenges for society to progress.  Overcoming such a closed (unawakened) mind requires constant re-programming to overcome years of incorrect, but believed, statements from others about life, behavior, and religious beliefs.  Probably well-meaning parents, teachers, and others say things to children without being fully aware of how their words affect that child well into the future.  From an open mind perspective we can objectively review these thoughts and behaviors handed to us and begin releasing anything that isn't grounded in truth.  Not an easy process, for it demands questioning everything as it regards your beliefs, viewpoints, and understanding of what was and is reality, about the world, your family, your friends, and even what you believe about yourself.

For days the struggle raged to remain in an open mind state, the old thought patterns trying to regain control.  Upon acknowledgement that I cannot and should not control anything of my own accord or will power, finally put to rest, at least for now, those old thoughts, especially those negative and false thoughts about me not being worthy to enjoy this physical presence.

Upon releasing my fears, the Universe was again allowed to show the path.  A call and request of a friend, a conversation with Patrick, owner of ABCC Hostel, and calmness reigned once more; along with the excitement of a new project - the seed of something new.  Now the work will begin of a 3D model of the hostel and some suggestions for possible alterations.

Aboard the Greyhound bus, packed to full capacitiy, we travel again to Toronto, thoughts about watering and cultivating this newly planted seed into a new aspect of St.Troy Consulting - Hostel Consulting.

Patrick termed the word "seed" as I said gift, actually he said, "think of it as planting a seed."  So now, with an open mind, I move forward.  The days of mental struggle resolved, the ability to enjoy the wonder and magic of the Universe renewed.  Today's thought is from the "Present Moment Wonderful Moment" book by Thich Nhat Hanh (obtained free from the Niagara Falls Buddhist Temple):

Awareness is a Mirror,
Reflecting the four elements.
Beauty is a heart that generates love
and a mind that is open.

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