Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Passionate Heart Bleeds

Early morning dreams wakened the day, followed by quiet meditations upon the heart's desires, thanking the universe and the Divine for allowing me to create the life I desire, a life full of friends, social activities, financial security, and joy in everything I set my hands to, along with knowing that I am loved each moment of the day.  Thus, this morning marked an alteration from the darkness that invaded my thoughts for many days now.  The light is shining, and this time very brightly.

Over the last few months I have struggled with wondering why my clients weren't booking appointments, perhaps it is time to let go of those things that no longer benefit my life.  I promise to still be available to my dearest clients, however, I believe I'm going to move forward into something greater for my life.  Nostalgia keeps my love for the past active, remembering the wonderful moments with clients and friends, but now as a reminder of what I again desire in my life - doing something that generates great joy and happiness in my life, creates dear friends along the way, and that means a great deal to me.

It's just now turning six in the morning, and I've been up for hours.  The early morning meditation seemed to have awakened something within me, so I went to the studio to work on "A Passionate Heart Bleeds."  It is drying now, but it is also completed.  Now to put my first piece of art out into the world to see how the reactions go.  My friend Jim Frederick tells me that I should paint with my heart, not regarding whether others will like it or not.  I've painted this with my heart.  Passion has ruled my life from every station, love affairs, friendships, work, and social activities are all passionate realities for my life.  I've heard  that if one doesn't love, then one cannot live, truly live.  Many years I have kept my heart guarded behind self imposed walls, just so I wouldn't get hurt.  The walls are gone now, my heart is open, feeling, learning to enjoy the passions once more.  This time, accepting that an open loving heart bleeds because of the passion of love, loving yourself, loving others, and having true compassion for every living being.  It is through this now beating and bleeding heart that I now live, knowing that with each moment there is joy.  It is through this same bleeding heart that compassion flows, for without the pain there is no true concern for others.

Today I begin to move forward, pushing away the darkness of days past, and calling into existence the very things I desire - a joyful, exciting, loving, very financially secure physical experience for the time I have left upon this earth.  Being able financially to assist those, like myself, who are struggling in life, searching to find a way, a purpose, a meaning.

I am loved, I am love, my heart is open, it bleeds.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing such intimacies, Sebastian.
    For such a little organ, the heart sure does hold alot of passion, sorrow, love, caring, et al.
