Thursday, September 9, 2010

Weary Sadness

Weary sadness spreads across the emotional plane at this moment, a sadness of knowing that what has been is all changing, morphing, into something new.  The adventures through Canada introduced many new thoughts, friends, and places for future adventures.  Sadness because this adventure is over, sadness because there is a loss of something, sadness because there is a beauty in the extreme mist here at the Halifax airport, and yet the sadness isn't about being sad; it's about change.  Change is something that no matter how we believe happens, in large steps or small, it happens.  We either go with it or struggle against it.

The old saying, "it is better to flow with the current of the river than attempt to paddle upstream." seems to apply to how my life has been of late.  Going with the flow, living in each moment aware of the beauty in everything around, and growing from the experiences.  Being fully aware during each moment of the day one can see the changes, the beauty, the wonder, the magic, and the way everything is connected.  There are no accidents or coincidents in the Universe, although some might say there are, but rather there is a divine timing that brings everything and everyone to the perfect place at the perfect time.

That fear or doubt of not trusting the Universe can cause much stress, believe me I know from first hand experience; yet, there is a peace, a calmness, in trusting the Universe to bring things about in perfect timing.  The great Canadian adventure has come to the completion of its life cycle and now a new life cycle begins.  Sitting here, delayed for 40 minutes, on the small propeller driven aircraft is allowing me time to write, to relax, and to ponder the many things that have happened over the past few months.

Things of note for myself, which bring about a desire for something more, are:

  • Improve my Spanish language skills.
  • Improve my French language skills.
  • Study AcroYoga.
  • Begin to paint, even if it is just to learn through doing.
  • Express daily appreciation for the physical life.
  • Stay connected with friends.
  • Obtain a new smile.
  • Seek out great travel deals for sailing across the ocean to points across the way.
  • Assist new friends in learning how to build a new business, a hostel.
  • Open my mind to see, to see the signs along this journey that will mark the next phase.
  • Meditate more.
  • Alter ways of being so the self respect increases, along with compassion for all others.
For now, perhaps there is the need for rest.  30 minutes of rest now, maybe more.  Rest, yes, rest is needed.  Excitement builds as the doors are slowly opened for the next great adventure of this my traveling life.

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