"You just have to keep going until you get it finished/" often times was the comment from my grandmother. She was the one person that I truly felt loved by, supported by, and encouraged by. There are often times that I allow the thought of what my life would have been like if I had stayed living in rural Louisiana with her, but I'm always reminded that we have a destiny, we cannot run from it. I am the person I am today because of the experiences and people in my life over the last 48 years. Each experience, every person, and every decision I've made has molded me, shaped me, and taken me to the exact moment where I was meant to be. Even now I know that my grandmother is with me in all that I do. Her energy is with me always. I miss her physical presence and all the laughter and fun we shared.
Now with the creation of the new company with my client, Marie Walker, I'll be able to achieve some of my dreams. Marie has been instrumental in guiding me into knowing how to write my books and even though she may not realize it yet, she's provided great insight and clarity for what I do to help others. I may say 'my' book, but it is actually our book, as without Marie I don't think I would have gotten this far. Her questions, outlines, suggestions and comments have allowed the first of two books to be almost completed (well, the rough draft anyways.). I was reminded by someone that as I wrote the book the name would eventually come to me, to just start writing with a working title that provides the foundation for what I'm writing. That's what I've done, write. The other day while writing, and after a comment from Marie about finding a way to put my personality into the book, the name jumped out. Excited about the name and realizing in order to meet our publishing date, I began working on the book's layout. Soon, Marie and I will be working with Shannon T. Schmitz on writing the special section on Selling the house, which will include information about how to select and work with your Realtor and what to expect during the selling process. I'm very excited to have Shannon working with us, not to mention the various other talented people that have agreed to work with us, on the first book. Here's the current concept for the first book:
Something I hadn't anticipated, thought about, or even imagined, was the creation of a new company that would handle the responsibilities of the new books, the various websites for the books, and that could take over from St.Troy Consulting. From Marie's words the name emerged for the new company, so please allow me a moment to introduce the Architectural Energy Initiative, LLC. Some have commented that the name sounds corporate, others asked if it encompassed everything we do, and my response has been, "Yes, it does sound corporate, big, and with a strong foundation. A company that could be recognized as possessing the talent to produce books, websites, and anything we could imagine that deals with the nature of Architecture and how energy or Ch'I flows through the spaces we create. Feng Shui has been the foundation principle for St.Troy Consulting and has allowed me to assist a great deal of people to either sell homes or create life altering spaces. Now the new company, A.E.I., will be positioned to take my work even further, with the intention of finding ways to help people create spaces that inspire, that are experiences, and that can alter their lives.
Today, as I prepare to drive back to Austin, I'm reminded of just how wonderful Austin is and what incredible friends and clients I have there. Ever since the move to Dallas, a move that didn't resonate well, I've been forced to take a look at who I have become, what I want, and to acknowledge my mortal state. My intuition says to get out of Dallas and get back to Austin quickly, as that is where I should be. Therefore, I'm believing that the Universe (some of you may say God or the Divine) will open the doors and provide not only the means to move back, but also the place I can afford and the things that I'll need to continue with the creation of the new company and the writing of the books. For now, I'm excited about being able to be back in Austin, having booked some appointments with old and new clients, and being able to work with Marie. Austin, here I come.
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