The need for more in-depth self reflection has come, so I'm thinking of doing a few silent days, which have always helped in the past. A vow of silence for a day or two should do the trick and allow me time to focus my own mind. When one doesn't speak there is the opportunity to really hear, not only your own thoughts, but the real voices of those around. Learning to listen improves how we see the world and ourselves.
Vagabond, that seems to be a word that describes my life in general, only stopping every now and then to create something of beauty. A part of me longs for something more grounded and long term; however, my heart is always seeking new adventures. We never escape the past, believe me, I have tried. Instead, we have to learn to fully embrace our past
(mistakes, and good things, all of it) in order to learn and grow. It is time to grow more.
Sam Love |
Conversations with Sam, the blue and green eyed, effervescent, smiling, 25 year old, sitting next to me is at times interesting, but mostly thought provoking. As he walked into the Calgary Greyhound station earlier with 2 young girls, I noticed him. While standing in line to have our bags inspected, he noticed and acknowledged me. We're wearing the same type of special shoes. Time has passed quickly as the two of us have conversed about crystals, necklaces, energy, deities, traveling, learning experiences, and what most would label "New Age" topics. Over the years there have only been a rare few who actually maintain eye contact when they speak with you - as Sam said,
"we must have a lot of information to upload and download from each other," - so I have enjoyed the depth of our conversations. Six hours on the bus and it only seems like a few minutes. I could converse with Sam for hours. Rest time for him, writing time for me, as I take the now available seat in front of us for more space.
Things to research:
Sherri Sutton (female comedian)
Renee -
Inner Soul
Neuro Linguistic Programming -
Richard Bandler
Restore America
Oneness, God, Universal Consciousness and how they relate.
Green, rolling hills stretch for miles into the distance as we travel through the Saskatchewan Province on our way to Regina
(make sure you pronounce the "I" in the name or you'll be corrected.) "It's the only place you can watch your dog run away for 3 days." as one Canadian put it. I understand the comment made days earlier. This is Canada's farm land, resembling much of the prairies of Kansas and Oklahoma. Everything slowly faces to black with a bit of dusky blue as the sun sets softly into the realm of night. It's 8:45 PM, almost 9 hours on the bus, an unusually quiet and calm ride. Another hour and a half to Regina.
My new doctor may not be please with me when he learns that I've stopped taking my meds. The decision wasn't made lightly, it's just every time I take the HIV meds my body gets worse. Even some friends have acknowledged that I do better without them. Thus, after many nights of struggling to take the meds
(the other night I just couldn't manage to swallow them), I've put the bottles away into my large pack. Being on the go, always learning, discovering new places, meeting new people, and in general being free seems to be the key for my health. There might come a day when it will be an immediate life or death situation, but those decisions can be made then, for now, med free.
4:15 AM and I'm awake now as we have stopped at another small town station, name unknown. The blue letters along the tan brick spell "Greyhound". It looks like another decently kept and staffed Greyhound station. Greyhound Canada is more improved than Greyhound U.S.
Just before boarding, the 2 Greyhound Security Officers had everyone line up for carry-on baggage inspections. This should be done everywhere - results: one man not allowed to travel today and his metallic beverage container confiscated. The sign is clearly written -
No Alcohol, No Weapons, No Drugs or you don't travel. Greyhound should improve their security everywhere all the time as it might improve the type of passengers they invite. The reason for the bag inspection is because of a
recent murder on a Greyhound bus in Winnipeg.
I can see the day when Greyhound becomes the cornerstone for a national public transit system, with incredible Intermodal stations in every major city, express buses traveling quickly from major city to major city
(perhaps all with improved services on each bus - electric outlets, Wi-Fi, increased seating areas, more comfortable reclining seats that allow for better rest) and then other types of buses making regularly scheduled runs in a radius from each major city, allowing smaller towns access to public transit and connecting everyone everywhere.
The United States especially needs to see this service provided to the people, as many small towns have been left stranded, which doesn't bode well for how they can find ways to improve or relate to others further away.
Realizing that a national public transit system might not be profitable in some areas, yet very profitable in other areas, would allow for an overall better quality of service to all areas. Express buses connecting the major cities, then the radial buses connecting the surrounding smaller towns, each of the rural connections having connections to other radial connections that then transfer back to another large city; thus creating a network of great public transit that services the needs of the people and allowing them the opportunity for growth, discovery, and education.
If the U.S. government support Amtrak, then why not invest funds to partner
(yes, partner, as in become a business partner) with Greyhound to assist in funding some of the less profitable rural routes so the people will have better transportation options? Perhaps if
FirstGroup is reading this Blog, it is possible to make the changes of corporate thought which will then allow the changes in how Greyhound operates, especially in the United States; which would ultimately improve Greyhound's reputation and type of passenger.
3 more hours to Winnipeg. It is dark outside. To be polite to the other passengers, I'm writing by using my hand powered flash light. Perhaps the buses overhead lights could be placed on the back of the seats so the light would only shine down into a very personal area instead of all over? I've sat here making sketches of some bus designs, I'm curious if they could work and what the passenger viewpoints might be.
The morning light slowly illuminates the darkness beyond my window, causing distinction between earth and sky. I've finished reading the
Shambhala book and I believe I will read it again, and also search out other books about meditation, yoga, and even places to practice and learn such things.
I wonder how my friend Tom is getting along on his 10 day hike/camp trip with his ex girlfriend and her new boyfriend.
I think more sleep now. Good night,
gute Nacht, as the Germans taught me to say.